The Result of The Real Estate Investment (4)

Gun-Ho spent days agonizing over the six-month mandatory closing of his restaurant.

"What am I going to do? Should I look for another place to move the restaurant? If I find a new place, I probably should renovate the place, and it will cost me. I like this hotel building. It's clean, and easy for a new customer to find the restaurant location. I didn't have to change a thing here."

Gun-Ho couldn't think of any good ideas to break through the situation.

When he was agonizing over the situation while sitting at an unoccupied table, he heard someone arguing loudly from the counter. It was Dingming and Mae-Hyang.

"What's going on here?"

"That one looked down on me saying I am a Korean Chinese."

"I didn't. You are the one who looked down on me."

Their fight gave Gun-Ho a headache. This was not their first time to fight. These two ladies didn't get along and had fought each other before, but this time it seemed serious; they shook their fingers at each other and screamed loudly.