Hit A Jackpot With Foreign Exchange (1)

Gun-Ho sold his two condos in the West Lake area.

They sold very quickly because it was moving season. There seemed to be a lot of potential buyers waiting for a luxurious condo with a West Lake view to appear on the market. Even after Gun-Ho's condos were sold, the price of the condos in the community continued to increase. That upset him a bit.

The buyer who bought Gun-Ho's condos had offered 4,250,000 Yuan which was less than the listing price because the condo's interior was more than two years old. Gun-Ho accepted the offer and received 8,500,000 Yuan for two condos.

"I'm going to pay off my loan of 1,900,000 Yuan to Industrial and Commercial Bank of China!"

After paying off his loan, 6,600,000 Yuan was left in his bank account.