Hit A Jackpot With Foreign Exchange (2)

Gun-Ho felt great; he felt like he could fly.

"Oh, my gosh. Now I have 1,174,800,000 won. Hahaha. In addition to that, I still have 20,000 Yuan that I had saved up in preparation for the restaurant rent for the next period; it is still in my bank account with Industrial and Commercial Bank of China. I left it there so I could use it during my stay in China before I return to Korea. I am so happy. Hahaha."

Gun-Ho laughed and jumped around in his apartment by himself.

"You fool!"

Gun-Ho felt like he heard Chairman Lee's voice.

"You are jumping around in excitement for only 1.1 billion won? You fool!"

Gun-Ho straightened up his posture.

"That's right. I shouldn't be crazily excited about only 1.1 billion won. As Master Park had told me before, I am destined to be awfully rich."

Gun-Ho was planning to have a tour in China before returning to Korea.

"This is a good opportunity for me to have a tour in China before I leave this country. Let's travel and broaden my experience!"