New Start in Korea (2) - PART 1

Gun-Ho had early experience investing in stocks. He invested all of his money that he had saved up during his work in factories and a sunshine loan of 10,000,000 won he received, in stocks.

It took six months to lose everything he had invested in stocks at the time. He was left with the sunshine loan of 10,000,000 won and he spent his early 30s in paying off the debt.

"I shouldn't repeat my early mistake."

Gun-Ho, let out a deep sigh.

Afterwards, while he was working at YS Tech in Dunpo, Asan, Gun-Ho used the company's money to invest in a waste management company's stocks and made 520 million won.

"I know I shouldn't have used the company's money, but the money I made from it became my seed money. Using that seed money I started my first business in Noryangjin—a Vietnamese noodle soup restaurant. It didn't work out well, but I made a significant amount of money from the subsequent investment in real estate in China."

Gun-Ho reminisced about the stock investment of InsunENT.