New Start in Korea (2) - PART 2

The two men turned their head when they heard Gun-Ho.

"Oh, Mr. Gun-Ho Goo."

"Hi, how are you? Long time no see. How are you, Manager Gweon?"

Manager Gweon stood up and extended his hand to Gun-Ho for a handshake with a smile.

"I heard you went to China. Are you coming back for good?"

"Yes, sir."

"How was China? If I remember correctly, you ran a Korean restaurant over there."

"Right. I had a Korean restaurant and also invested some in real estate too."

"Hmm… I'm not sure about the restaurant, but I believe you probably made some money from your real estate investment."

"Huh? Oh, yes… a little…"

"Haha, you did? Have you thought of what you want to do in Korea?"

"I haven' decided yet, but I am taking a course about auction."

"He had done his investment in real estate in China, and now he wants to know about auction, right? Lieutenant Colonel Gweon?"

Manager Gweon jumped up once he heard Chairman Lee calling him Lieutenant Colonel.