Requital (2) – PART 2

Gun-Ho lent 200 million won to President Park of YS Tech.

President Park deeply appreciated Gun-Ho's help.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Gun-Ho Goo. You are lending me the money with a bank interest. I do really appreciate it."

"I am sorry that I couldn't get you a better deal for this."

"Don't say that. This is the best offer I could receive. I'm sure that my employees will be very happy. Mr. Gun-Ho Goo, I feel much happier when I see my employees being pleased rather than when my personal assets increase."

"I do respect you, sir, with your noble mindset."

"Thank you. Oh, give me your bank account number where I can send the loan interest."

"This is a copy of my bank account. You can use this account to pay the monthly interest."

"Here is my statement saying I transfer you all of my factory equipment if I can't pay you back."

Even though Gun-Ho lent his money to the president of YS Tech, he knew the company's business wouldn't get better.