Global Enterprise Lymondell Dyeon (1) – PART 1

Wednesday came around.

Gun-Ho went to Palace Hotel that was located next to Gangnam Express Bus Terminal, where Amiel was staying for his visit to Korea. Attorney Young-Jin Kim was already in the hotel lobby when Gun-Ho arrived at the hotel.

"We don't have to take two cars. I will drive."

"Sounds good."

"Where is Amiel?"

"He will come down soon."

"What was the company name in Pyeongtaek City, where we are heading to?"

"It's Egnopak. Have you heard of it?"

"I have. It's quite a big company and a KOSDAQ registered firm."

"They have 3,000 employees."

"Yeah, that's about right."

Amiel came down to the first floor through an elevator and lifted his arm when he saw Gun-Ho waiting for him in the lobby.

"Oh, Mr. Gun-Ho Goo, how are you?!"

Gun-Ho took President Amiel and Attorney Young-Jin Kim in his Land Rover and drove to Egnopak Corporation that was situated in Jinwi Town in Pyeongtaek City.

A guard stopped Gun-Ho's car at the main gate.

"We are here to meet the president."