Business Acquisition (1) – PART 1

Fortunately, the claimed amount for unpaid wages had reduced since Gun-Ho joined Mulpasaneop. That was because the court officer made paying the unpaid wages the priority whenever the company's revenue was recognized. The court officer became very popular among the workers consequently.

"The court officer is the best. If the president was in charge of expenditure, he wouldn't have done the same. He would probably have paid for the overdue payment to those supplier companies."

"Well, we still need to get paid for the past three months though. However, at least I can pay some of my credit card bills, and my wife will not kick me out of our house."

"By the way, the new managing director… have you heard anything about him? He seems to be a rich guy. Did you see the car he is driving? He only wears high-end designer clothes."

"Is he from a wealthy family?"

"No, it seems like he is working with some big players from Gangnam."