Business Acquisition (1) – PART 2

When Gun-Ho, the Mulpasaneop president, and Min-Hyeok arrived at the restaurant—Hwadongchancheong for the dinner invitation from Chinkkweo Seon—the president of Jinxi Construction Company, the Mulpasaneop president seemed to be astonished by the splendid and luxurious interior of the restaurant.

"Wow. Even though this is a restaurant in a province, its decoration is very impressive."

Gun-Ho asked the office manager who came with Min-Hyeok to order dishes that were appropriate for the elders, like seafood, for example, considering the president's age.

"Hey, President Goo!"

The president of Jinxi Construction Company— Chinkkweo Seon and the vice president of the joint venture— Kkangsin Kkao arrived at the restaurant. Gun-Ho introduced the Mulpasaneop president to them.

The Mulpasaneop president seemed to drink a lot that day in distress.

"Are you okay, sir? You seem to drink too much."

"I'm okay. I used to drink way more than this when I was young."