Business Acquisition (2) – PART 2

"Once you become a person with a bad credit score, your life will become harder and very inconvenient. The government and our society recommend young people to start their own business, but they would become cruel to you once you earn a bad credit score."

"F*ckers! I didn't want to get involved in personally guaranteeing the repayment of Mulpasaneop's loan at that time, but they told me that I, as the son of the president and the vice president of Mulpasaneop had to jointly guarantee the loan with my father, so they could lend money to the company. It was a trap. F*ck!"

"Right. You shouldn't have done it. Joint surety is a very serious matter. If it goes wrong, your life could be ruined."

"What should I do?"

"Help your father to make the right decision. Tell him the price of 2 billion won is not a bad offer to sell the company."

"What about the factory in China?"