Business Acquisition (3) – PART 1

The president of Mulpasaneop was very upset when he received an order to appear by the prosecution.

"Managing Director Goo, I received this letter; can you take a look? Why does the prosecution want to see me?"

"I suppose it's because of the overdue wage claims."

"Overdue wage claims? Are you saying one of my workers filed a complaint against me for the wage?"

"The local office of the Department of Labor probably did so. They have the right to do it."

"What would happen if I don't appear?"

"If you don't appear intentionally knowing that you received the appearance notice, you could get arrested. I recommend you going there voluntarily."

"They could arrest me once I go there, right?"

"Haha. They wouldn't do that right away. They would probably ask you to settle."


"Yes, they want you to settle with the overdue wage claimants."

"What if we don't reach an agreement? It takes money to settle."

"If you can't settle, they would start the court proceedings."