Mama-san Segawa Joonkko (2) – PART 2

"Excuse me, Ms. Are you Ji-Yeon Choi?"

"Yes, that's me. Are you the man who stopped by here earlier today?"

"Yes, I am."

"Please have a seat."

The owner showed Gun-Ho a seat.

"Thank you."

"Do you know well the bar hostess in Shinjuku City—Segawa Joonkko?"

"How did you know that?"

"I received a call from her. She asked me if President Goo of GH Mobile came by."

"Oh, really?"

Gun-Ho felt uncomfortable to continue to talk further since there was another lady who was present at the same table. That lady was staring at Gun-Ho before she talked to him.

"Sir, do you maybe recognize me?"

Gun-Ho looked at the lady customer. She looked familiar.

"I believe I met you once somewhere… Oh, Hannam Town…"

"That's right. I'm Mi-Hyang Jang from the secret bar at Hannam Town. Ji-Yeon Choi here is my sister. I came to Japan for shopping and wanted to see my sister before I go back to Korea. Don't you think we look alike?"