Mama-san Segawa Joonkko (3) – PART 1

Gun-Ho was sitting at the café inside New Otani Hotel. He kept checking the hour by looking at his Omega watch. He felt like time goes very slowly today.

"It's already several minutes past noon. Why is she not here yet?"

Gun-Ho was waiting for Mori Aikko and she hadn't showed up yet.

"Maybe I am not an appropriate sponsor for her since I am a foreigner and I can't even properly communicate with her in any language. It was my fault insisting on being her sponsor just because I have money. She is the most famous geisha in Japan after all. I was being thoughtless."

Gun-Ho regretted to suggest Mori Aikko and Mama-san that he wanted to be Mori Aikko's sponsor.

Gun-Ho felt sorry to Mama-san Segawa Joonkko from the bar and the Korean restaurant owner—Ji-Yeon Choi from Akasaka who tried to help Gun-Ho to become Mori Aikko's sponsor.