Mama-san Segawa Joonkko (3) – PART 2

There were tons of restaurants in Koendori; the area was popular among young people and the restaurants there was serving food that was tailored to young people's taste.

"Do you come here often?"

"No, only once."

Gun-Ho and Mori Aikko entered a restaurant in Koendori.

"What do you want to eat?"


Ochazuke is a Japanese dish with cooked rice and fish—it is served with hot green tea poured on top of them.

"Do you want to drink too? Since we are wet with the rain, maybe we want a glass of sake?"

"No, I prefer Bīru (beer). Hayashi Bīru please."

"Haha, really? Sure. I will have Bīru as well."

Gun-Ho looked around the restaurant. The restaurant was filled with young people. He could see lots of people at Mori Aikko's age—they were talking and laughing with their friends while enjoying the food.

'I'm sorry, Mori Aikko.'

It was getting warm inside the restaurant. Gun-Ho thought it was a good idea to order a beer.