Company Restructuring (3) – PART 1

Gun-Ho, Amiel and Attorney Young-Jin Kim went to a Korean restaurant in Seocho Town for dinner. They ordered Bulgogi* hot pot.

"Amiel, what do you think of my company?"

"It was good. It was larger than I expected."

"Really? Thank you."

"How much did you say your annual sales revenue was?"

Attorney Young-Jin Kim was carefully listening to the conversation; he seemed to be curious about Gun-Ho's company's annual sales revenue.

"It was 70 billion won when I acquired that company, and it will soon be 80 billion won. My goal is to make it 100 billion won by next year."

"Wow! 100 billion won!?"

Attorney Young-Jin Kim was astonished while Amiel was just nodding his head.

"The land itself should be twice larger than Dyeon Japan's factory land in Yokohama."

"I'm actually thinking of moving the factory to somewhere else."


"I need to restructure the company, and also I have another reason."

"What are you up to?"