Company Restructuring (3) – PART 2

Gun-Ho showed a seat to Amiel with a floor cushion on the floor and an embroidered folding screen behind. A large floor table with all sorts of Korean food with Sinseollo* and liquor was brought in. There were so many Korean dishes on the table that the legs of the table looked a bit bent.

Gun-Ho's party was talking about their playing golf earlier that day when two girls in a Korean traditional dress came into the room with Gayageum. They gave a slight nod of greeting to Gun-Ho's party and started playing Gayageum.

Amiel closed his eyes to fully enjoy the music. When the girls finished playing, he clapped passionately.


Amiel asked them to play one more music.

"I like the vibration of Gayageum better than Japan's Shamisen. It gives deeper sound."

After they played three songs with Gayageum, another three young girls entered the room. They would serve Gun-Ho's party in enjoying their time there with food and liquor. One of the girls could speak English very well.