Company Restructuring (4) – PART 1

The internal auditor placed the storage building and the dormitory on the market for sale. The products piled up in the storage building were mostly returned products. Gun-Ho threw them all out without a second thought.

The internal auditor came to Gun-Ho's office and gave a report to him on a new location of their factory.

"A 5,000 pyung large factory came out on the market; it is located in Jiksan Town, Cheonan City. It was at first priced for 7 billion won, and after failing two attempts of sale at the auction, the price dropped to 3.4 billion won. Since the economy is currently not doing well, there are not many bidders at the auction. I looked into the current status of that factory; the building is a bit old but it has high electric power capacity."

"Okay. Let's buy the factory at the auction then."

"What about the funds to buy it with?"