Company Restructuring (4) – PART 2

The internal auditor asked the sales director to have a tea together after lunch. The sales director seemed to have a lot of questions he wanted to ask the internal auditor.

"I heard our company purchased a factory in Jiksan Town. It must be a really large factory; I heard it is 5,000 pyung large. Are we moving to the new location?"

"I am not so sure, but I think that's the president's plan."

"What about the factory here then?"

"I guess we will have to sell it."

"We will sell the second factory where the research facility is located as well?"

"That factory is on the market for sale already."

"So the new factory in Jiksan Town has a research center inside the factory building?"

"No, there is no research center there."

"Then what are we going to do with the research center?"

"Do you think we absolutely need a research center?"