Company Restructuring (5) – PART 1

Gun-Ho met Mori Aikko at the New Otani Hotel.


"Daitōryō-san (President)."

Mori Aikko was wearing jeans again. It seemed that she came to the hotel straight from the bar; her face was still covered with a thick layer of makeup. She looked tired. Gun-Ho could smell her sweat. He liked the smell of her sweat; it was sweet and ironically fresh.

"You must be very tired."

"I'm fine."

Mori Aikko smiled while flipping her hair.

"Did you have dinner already?"

"Yes, I ate it in Shinjuku."

Gun-Ho and Mori Aikko sat at a bar inside the hotel and Gun-Ho was having a beer. Mori Aikko kept yawning; she must be very tired.

Gun-Ho took her to his hotel room and said,

"You seemed exhausted. Why don't you sleep here tonight?"

Mori Aikko smiled slightly and shook her head from side to side. The way she was sitting on a chair looked so adorable and lovely that Gun-Ho abruptly hugged her tight.

"You are tired. Stay here tonight."