World-Renowned Engineer (1) – PART 2

Gun-Ho stayed in New Otani Hotel in Akasaka. Tomorrow, he had to go back to Korea. He suddenly missed Mori Aikko so much. Gun-Ho gave a call to the general affairs manager in Korea.

"I want to extend my trip for one more day. I will return to Korea the day after tomorrow."

"Okay, sir."

The next day, Gun-Ho didn't return to Korea but instead, he went to Kyoto without telling anyone. The emperors of Japan used to live in Kyoto. Gun-Ho headed to Okazaki Park where the festival was held in. There were posters here and there about the festival. A pretty geisha in colorful Kimonos posed with a traditional Japanese oil-paper umbrella in her hand on the poster. When Gun-Ho looked at the festival poster closely, he was astonished. It was Mori Aikko on the poster.

"Wow. It is indeed Mori Aikko."

Gun-Ho smiled.