World-Renowned Engineer (2) – PART 1

The plant manager came to Gun-Ho's office to give a report.

"DongHwa Electricity has reduced the product order dramatically. I think we'd better stop making those products for them."

"We are still selling the products to DongHwa Electricity, right? And that generates income even though it is not much."

"That's right; however, I think we need to reserve the extruding machine that has been used to manufacture those products to use exclusively for somewhere else."

"Is that because of the Japanese engineer—Mr. Sakata Ikuzo?"

"Yes. Mr. Sakata Ikuzo has been doing his work with an extruding machine at night because all of our extruding machines are fully occupied during the day. The workers who have assisted Mr. Sakata Ikuzo at night became very exhausted as well."

"Manager Jong-Suk Park has been assisting Mr. Sakata Ikuzo, right?"

"Yes, and there are two other workers who have been assisting him too."

"So, three workers have been assisting Mr. Sakata Ikuzo."