World-Renowned Engineer (2) – PART 2

The next day, Mr. Sakata Ikuzo didn't do any work.

"We will resume the work after two days. I will have to get inspired first."

After that day, Mr. Sakata Ikuzo just sat in his chair and read a book; the way he sat quietly reminded Jong-Suk of a Buddha. Jong-Suk was wondering what kind of book Mr. Sakata Ikuzo was so into, but he couldn't figure it out since it was all written in Japanese and Chinese characters.

The plant manager called for Jong-Suk.

"Hey, why aren't you testing the product?"

"Mr. Sakata Ikuzo is just reading a book for hours now."

"What book?"

"I don't know. He said he needs to be inspired or something before he could continue the work."


"Yes, he said he needs inspiration."

"Ha. He is something!"

"Right. Japanese people are weird."

"Hmm, let me go and check what kind of book he is reading."

The plant manager went to Mr. Sakata Ikuzo's desk.

"What are you reading, Mr. Sakata Ikuzo? Is it fun?"