Establishing GH Chemical (3) – PART 2

The next day, Gun-Ho went to his GH Development office in Gangnam. Manager Kang was dozing off in his chair, and Ms. Ji-Young Jeong was playing with his smartphone chatting with her friends. They used to work hard when Gun-Ho—the president of the company was in the office with them.

"Hi. How have you all been?"

"Oh, sir."

The two employees were frightened and stood up quickly from their seats when they saw Gun-Ho entering the office. Ji-Young became fussy and brought green tea for Gun-Ho while Manager Kang took out papers he had to get Gun-Ho's review and approval. Gun-Ho laughed.

"Easy, people. You can sometimes doze off in the office if you are so tired. I understand."

The OneRoomTel business was doing well. It seemed that Manager Kang had been doing a good job managing them. Ji-Young gave a report to Gun-Ho on the current financial status of the company and showed him the ledger.