Establishing GH Media (1) – PART 1

Gun-Ho received a letter from Lymondell Dyeon in Seattle, U.S.A.

"Shoot. This is all written in English."

Gun-Ho decided to bring the letter to Attorney Young-Jin Kim who studied in America. He called Attorney Kim to check if he was available to meet.

"Attorney Kim? It's me. I will come to Seoul soon to see you. Will you be available this afternoon?"

"Yes, I will be in the office. What's up?"

"I submitted my application to participate in a joint venture with Lymondell Dyeon, and I just received a letter from them. I think I'd better discuss it with an attorney."

"Really? So you are going to do a joint venture with them."

"GH Mobile will soon move to a new location, and I will keep the current factory in Asan City. I want to start Dyeon Korea there."

"Okay. Come quick. I am really curious about what the letter says."

Gun-Ho took a KTX train heading to Seoul and went to Kim & Jeong Law Office located in the Gwanghwa Gate area.