Acquiring a Storage Building in Suzhou Industrial Park (1) – PART 1

Gun-Ho went to China and headed to Suzhou Industrial Park with Min-Hyeok Kim to see the storage building on the market for sale. He was told that the owner was running a clothing factory in the vicinity of the area. Gun-Ho and Min-Hyeok headed to the clothing factory to meet with the owner.

The factory was not very clean. A lot of people were working there, and tons of products were piled up in the corner. The owner looked to be in his 60s, and he had dark skin.

"I bought that storage to store our products manufactured in this factory, but the business has shrunk, so I want to sell that storage."

"The land is owned by the government, isn't it?"

"Of course. All land in China is owned by the government, and we just get the right to use the land."

"But you still call it 'Zhuanrang land' to indicate that it is transferable."

"That's right."

"How much are you asking to transfer the storage?"