Acquiring a Storage Building in Suzhou Industrial Park (1) – PART 2

The entertainment agency manager was wondering about Gun-Ho when Director Seukang Li came to the waiting area.

"Oh, Gun-Ho Goo!"

"Hey, Seukang Li."

The two men hugged each other; they were so glad to see each other. The dandy man was just watching them hugging.

"Did you wait for long? I am so sorry. Party secretary was in the meeting, so it took longer than usual."

"No problem. I hope I am not interrupting your day at work."

"I'm good. I am not busy anymore."

"I brought Professor Jien Wang's book for you. It's a Korean version."

"I didn't know he published his book in Korea. Wow. It's written in Korean; I can't read it."

"Don't try to read it. You just keep it as a souvenir."

"Haha. I will keep it. Hey, why don't we go to my office?"

When Seukang Li grabbed Gun-Ho's hand and tried to leave the waiting area, the entertainment agency manager came to him.

"Sir, could you reconsider our request for the performance?"