Egnopak’s President is Furious (1) – PART 2

Gun-Ho's brother-in-law asked Gun-Ho.

"I read it from a newspaper not long ago that GH Mobile and an American company will start a joint venture soon, and they will build a new chemical factory. So are you building the factory now?"

"We just signed a letter of intent, and we haven't made an actual contract yet."

"Doesn't that company need a transportation service for their products?"

"We haven't gone that far yet."

"If they need the service, I can do it."

Gun-Ho's sister who was sitting next to her husband told her husband, "We have received so much help from Gun-Ho already. Don't ask him more."

"I was just reminding him that he has an option to give that job to me since I am in that business. I didn't say that he had to give me the job."

"Gun-Ho doesn't involve the family in his business. We might not be very helpful for his business, but we shouldn't at least be an obstruction to him when he runs his business."

"That… that's true."