Egnopak’s President is Furious (2) – PART 1

Gun-Ho asked for Director Yoon who supervised the demolition of the factory in Asan City.

"Let's get the new factory started being built. Do you happen to know an architect who is working in the U.S.? We need to make a request to build our new factory."

"I do know a few people in the field. A friend of mine who is junior to me is working in LA. Or, we can ask the architectural design company which I had previously worked with."

"Then ask the person who is currently working in the U.S."

"There are a lot of good architects in Korea too, who would do a great job of building our factory."

"No, we need a person who is working in the U.S., and before they start designing the factory, they will have to visit Lymondell Dyeon in Seattle."

"Lymondell Dyeon is the company that sent their personnel to investigate our factory last time, right?"