GH Building in Gangnam (1) – PART 1

Gun-Ho drove to Seoul to meet with the bank branch manager in Gangnam.

"I have 40 billion won in my account. Please transfer all of them to the GH company bank account."

"Are you going to purchase the building with the company's name?"

"I think that would be better."

"Once you make a sales and purchase contract for the building, please let me know right away. I will contact the branch manager of the Capital."

"Thank you."

Once he walked out of the bank in Gangnam, Gun-Ho headed to his office in the same area— GH Development. He felt that his office of GH Development was small after he spent many days in a large office in Jiksan Town. The workers of GH Media came to the office from their office next door to say hello to Gun-Ho.

"How are you all?"

"We are printing the third and the fourth edition of the Japanese book— the person who wakes up in the morning. The book is selling really well."

"That's good to hear."