GH Building in Gangnam (1) – PART 2

Gun-Ho thought of Seongil Polymer and its president. Their president had a round face.

"He looked like an earnest man. I don't understand why he would do such a thing."

Gun-Ho thought that there had to be a reason for this.

Gun-Ho asked for the manager in the purchasing team.

"How long have we been doing business with Seongil Polymer?"

"If we count the days of Mulpasantop, it has been more than ten years since we started working with them. I've been very close with Seongil Polymer's president, and we called each other as big brother and younger brother. When I heard about their lawsuit against our company, I told him I wouldn't continue our close relationship with him and I was so upset."

"What did he say?"

"He said there is nothing much he can do about it."

"If they need money, they could have come to us and tried to work out, but they instead filed a lawsuit against us."