Job Appointment (2) – PART 2

Gun-Ho was a bit concerned.

'I am sending three of our workers to the U.S. for training. One of them is our lead researcher at our research center and he is 38 years old. Another one is the senior researcher who is 32 years old. Jong-Suk is going with them for training and he is 33 years old. Jong-Suk is our production director. The two researchers are in a lower-ranked position than Jong-Suk. The thing is that the two researchers are highly educated, on the other hand, Jong-Suk didn't even finish his college education. I am concerned that they might be jealous of Jong-Suk or feel unfair that Jong-Suk is in a higher position than them, given the fact that he is young and doesn't have a high education degree.'

However, it turned out that Gun-Ho was worrying unnecessarily. The two researchers viewed this trip as an opportunity to get close with Jong-Suk who was very close to their company's president.