Tokyo Planning (1) – Part 1

Gun-Ho was heading to his work when his Land Rover was running out of gas. Gun-Ho stopped by at a gas station in Baekseok Town, Cheonan City to fill up the tank of his car. He was heading out when he received a call from S Group's former vice president.

"President Goo? I'm afraid that I will have to take a rain check for our lunch appointment today."

"Something happened?"

"One of my close relatives just passed away. He was in Seoul National University Bundang Hospital. Since he didn't have any children, I will have to handle everything for him."

"I am so sorry to hear it. We can have our lunch at any time, sir."

"Me too. I know that you are a busy man, and I know you make time today for me."

"No, it's okay, really. When everything gets settled, just let me know, so we can have our lunch then."

Gun-Ho was reading a newspaper in his office when the directors and managers started pouring into his office.

"Oh, that's right. Today is a meeting day."