Tokyo Planning (1) – Part 2

Gun-Ho felt like other patients in the room kept staring at him and Mori Aikko, so he closed the curtains to have some privacy. Mori Aikko handed an album to him.

Gun-Ho opened the album to find the pictures of Mori Aikko in Kimono. She was posing for pictures on a bridge and in a bamboo grove. In one of the photos, she was looking up to the sky with an umbrella in her hand.

"It's a pictorial book made to attract more visitors to the park. The pictures were taken in Arashiyama, Kyoto."

"Really? You look so beautiful."

Gun-Ho kissed on the pictures of the photo album.

After having lunch, Aikko fell asleep, and Gun-Ho left the room quietly and took a walk on the street. After visiting the Gekkoji temple nearby, Gun-Ho hurriedly came back to the hospital. It was almost 3 pm when Mori Aikko's surgery would start. Aikko was still sleeping in the room.