Vice President Adam Castler (1) – Part 1

Gun-Ho received a call from Min-Hyeok. He wanted to thank Gun-Ho again for coming to China to congratulate him on his wedding.

"Thank you, friend, for coming to my wedding. The money you gifted me is a lot. Thank you so much."

"Don't mention it. It was not much at all."

"I didn't expect to see Jae-Sik coming to my wedding. I do really appreciate it. Also, I was surprised when I saw Seukang Li and Jien Wang."

"I knew you didn't have many friends in China, so I called them all to come and join me in congratulating on your wedding."

"I actually expected to not see any friends at my wedding in China. But because of you, I suddenly had six friends at my wedding. I was so happy."


"And you know what? When my father-in-law saw Seukang Li coming to my wedding, he was impressed by my social connections."

"How come? Does he know Seukang Li?"