Vice President Adam Castler (1) – Part 2

Gun-Ho called for Director Dong-Chan Kim.

"Mr. Adam Castler is coming the day after tomorrow."

"Oh, really?"

"Is the villa with two rooms that you told me about earlier still available?"

"Yes, it is still available."

"We will have him stay in a hotel for the first few days. Do you know any good hotels around here? Onyang Hot Spring Hotel is a bit far from here."

"There is a hotel called Central Hotel. It's in Seongjeong town. It's not bad."

"Okay. Let him stay there and tell him that since this is a small town, there are no large hotel chains."

"Yes, sir."

"Once Dyeon Korea's factory starts working, we will need to hire workers by placing an official job posting. Until then, why don't you find one or two people for now who can take care of trivial work? I'm not comfortable asking you to do the work like reserving a hotel room, Director Kim."

"I'm totally okay with it, sir. If we hire a person now for no specific job to assign, we could just waste our money."