Vice President Adam Castler (2) – Part 1

After spending the first night in Korea, Mr. Adam Castler came to work the following morning.

"Good morning."

Gun-Ho could say only the morning greeting to Mr. Adam Castler without an interpreter. Gun-Ho regretted to let Secretary Yeon-Soo Oh go back to Seoul to GH Development. Gun-Ho needed an interpreter, and Mr. Lee crossed his mind, who once interpreted for Gun-Ho when Dyeon sent their investigators to visit Gun-Ho's factory. Gun-Ho asked for the general affairs director.

"Do you remember Mr. Lee who did the interpretation work for us when Dyeon's examiners were here?"

"Yes, sir. I remember him. He was a retiree from a big company, and he used to work as a branch manager overseas."

"Do you have his contact number?"

"Yes, I have it."

"Call him and ask him to come to our company as soon as he could if he doesn't have any prior engagement. He can take KTX; it's the fastest way to get here."

"Yes, sir."