Meeting with Top Star – Part 1

Gun-Ho called for Director Kang to his office again, while President Jeong-Sook Shin was still in his office.

"I have something that I'd like to talk to you both."

"Okay, sir."

The two people prepared a pen and a paper to take notes as Gun-Ho continued to talk,

"Let's start the renovation work in the basement. We will open an art gallery there. Even though we work with a general contractor for the overall basement renovation, you probably will need to work with other interior companies that specialize in specific fields, such as lighting. Some parts of the interior will require specific professional skills. To cover the cost of the renovation, we will use the reserve for depreciation of the building. We will replenish the reserve once the art gallery starts generating revenue."

"Understood, sir."

"Once the new interior is completed, GH Development will lease the space to GH Media, and GH Media will operate the art gallery."

"Yes, sir."