Meeting with Top Star – Part 2

After having lunch with the GH Mobile's executives, Gun-Ho headed to Dyeon Korea. Gun-Ho's Land Rover was entering Eumbong Town in Asan City after passing Baekseok Town in Cheonan City. This was the necessary path to take, in order to reach his factory in Asan City.

"I feel so sleepy after lunch."

Gun-Ho parked his car around Embong Lake. There was a very attractive café near the lake.

"I think I need to have a cup of coffee before I continue to drive."

Gun-Ho went into the café and had his coffee while looking out at the lake.

"This is a nice lake view. I feel so refreshed."

There was a person in distant, who was fishing at the lake.

"I thought that fishing is prohibited in this area. Is he local?"

While looking at the fisherman, Gun-Ho thought of the fishing site in Pocheon City, which he often used to go in the past.