Meant to Be Together (3) – Part 1

Gun-Ho was talking with President Jang-Hwan Song when the internal auditor entered the office.

"Sir, I came here because I heard you are in the office today."

The internal auditor sat on a chair and President Song said to him, "I was talking to President Goo about the dividend. I am making a recommendation to him that we probably want to increase our company's capital with the dividend rather than just holding off paying for the debt."

"If we are about to register with KOSDAQ in the imminent future, then we should do that."

Gun-Ho chipped in the conversation between President Song and the internal auditor.

"I read a news article about a small company that successfully registered with KOSDAQ. That company didn't have many employees and had relatively small sales revenue."

"I guess that company must be a start-up business, but we are not a start-up company."

"What's the definition of a start-up company?"