Meant to Be Together (3) – Part 2

Gun-Ho and Jae-Sik Moon continued to talk about the business of GH Logistics.

"Since you are worried about the funds, I will send an additional 300 million won to GH Logistics."

"Another 300 million won!?"

"It's not a part of the investment funds that go into the company's capital, but I'm just lending the money to you. You will need to pay it back to me once you start generating enough revenue."

"Su… Sure. Thank you."

"And buy land in Pyeongtaek City or Osan City, about a 2,000 pyung large one. So it can be used as a transport hub later."

"2,000 pyung? It must cost a lot."

Jae-Sik looked at Gun-Ho with his widened eyes.

"Just look for land there. See if there is anything on the market. Also, check if the land is large enough for a 40-feet container truck to make a complete turn. You also want to check the entrance road. Once you find a good one, I will send GH Development's Director Kang. He will negotiate for the price."

"Oh, okay."