Basecamp For The Transportation Company (1) – Part 1

When they entered the auto repair shop, Gun-Ho could smell oil.

Its floor was black because of the oil residues. Pieces of Styrofoam were found on the floor as well. In the office space, old desks were still there. It was dusty, and some papers were scattered there, but the office was quite spacious. Chan-Ho noticed that there was a refrigerator in the office.

"Is that refrigerator in a working condition?"

When Chan-Ho asked about it, the realtor responded, "Probably not. If it worked, they would have taken it with them. They left it here probably because it would cost them even to throw it out."

Gun-Ho noticed some tears on the ceiling.

"The building frame should be good. I believe you can still use it after some minor repairs. Just focus on the land. It's a nice square figure and leveled well. Trucks can get in without any problem."

"If it was larger, it would have been perfect."