Basecamp For The Transportation Company (1) – Part 2

Gun-Ho was reading a newspaper in his office when he decided to make a call to Jae-Sik Moon.

"Hey, tomorrow is Saturday. You are not going anywhere tomorrow, aren't you?"

"No, I have no schedule set up for tomorrow. Why are you asking?"

"Are you going to stay in your home in Mangwon Town?"

"Yeah. I think we are going to do deep house cleaning tomorrow. My wife and I have neglected our home lately since we both have been so busy."

"Can we meet? You can do the cleaning later, right?"


"There is an auto repair shop for sale. It's located in Seonghwan Town. I want to visit it with you."

"An auto repair shop? Why do we want to visit an auto repair shop?"

"I think maybe we can use it as our basecamp for GH Logistics."

"Oh, I see. Sure. Where do we meet?"

"What about at the Seonghwan station?"

"Sounds good. I think I'm going to take a subway to get there. Is it okay with you?"

"Yeah. Take the subway. I will pick you up at the subway station."