Basecamp For The Transportation Company (2) – Part 2

When he woke up from a nap in his car, he felt thirsty. Gun-Ho looked at his watch and took a sip from his water bottle. When he opened the window to get fresh air, he realized that there was a one-ton truck that was parked in the same area. The truck driver opened his window and said to Gun-Ho, "Oh, my goodness, sir. You snored so loud that your car actually moved along with it."

Gun-Ho couldn't help laughing.

Gun-Ho made a call to the realtor's office.

"Are you open today?"

"Yes, we are open."

"I will come by your office in a few minutes."

"Where are you coming from?"

Gun-Ho hung up the phone without answering the realtor's question.

The realtor's office seemed to be busier on Saturdays than on weekdays.

There were two other customers in the office when Gun-Ho arrived. They seemed to look for land to buy. Gun-Ho had to wait for his turn for quite a while.