Basecamp For The Transportation Company (3) – Part 1

Gun-Ho was talking to Jong-Suk about the auto repair shop that he purchased for GH Logistics.

"It was used as an auto repair shop in Seonghwan Town. The land is 980 pyung large. The area including the first and the second floor is 260 pyung large. We will have to paint the building. They used to repair cars in a fabric building, and the tent is worn out. I'm thinking of replacing it with a PVC canopy."

"But you aren't going to repair cars there. Do you still need a canopy?"

"I don't know."

"I will go visit the place. It is really nice that Jae-Sik bro is moving to a place close to my work. It only takes about twenty minutes to get there."

"We have workers in our maintenance or production team, who used to do demolishing work, don't we?"

"We do, but we will still need to hire professionals to do the demolishing job."

"I know, but someone has to oversee their work."