Basecamp For The Transportation Company (4) – Part 1

A female manager was in charge of the accounting team of Dyeon Korea. She had used to work at GH Mobile in its accounting department and she was promoted to a manager position as she was relocated to Dyeon Korea. Her name was Myeong-Sook Jo.

Gun-Ho made a call to Manager Jo.

"Manager Jo? It's me, the president."

"Yes, sir."

"How much accounts receivable does Dyeon Korea have as of today?"

"It's 1.8 billion won, sir."

Accounts receivable was an amount of money that was expected to be paid by a client for the goods or services already rendered.

"What about accounts payable?"

"It's 600 million won, sir."

"Do we have any outstanding balance?"

"I believe we have about 100 million won. I will check the exact amount, sir."

"That wouldn't be necessary. I just needed a rough amount for now. I will get a report on this with details when I go to the office."

"How much do we currently have in the bank account?"

"We have 3.2 billion won, sir."