Basecamp For The Transportation Company (4) – Part 2

Jae-Sik Moon walked up to the second floor. The space was divided into several rooms; it seemed that the rooms had been used to accommodate the workers who used to work there.

"I guess that several workers of the previous auto repair shop used to live here. Just use them as you please."

"Maybe I can reserve one room as a resting area for truck drivers so they can take a nap or spend time here during the break. And another room can be used as a night-duty room. Or, maybe I don't have to drive all the way to Seoul every day to go home but I can stay here sometimes. I can go home on weekends."

Jong-Suk Park came and said to Jae-Sik Moon, "Bro, if you stay here, maybe we can have a drink of soju together sometimes."

"That sounds fun."

"Bro, I saw a buffet restaurant on the way here around the four-way intersection. You can have your meal there. I think you don't even need to drive there but walk. It's very close from here."