Debt Ratio (1) – Part 1

When Gun-Ho and Young-Eun finished their dinner, a waiter came to their table and asked, "Did you enjoy your dinner? Do you mind if I clean the table?"

"Of course not. Please do so."

Once the waiter took empty plates from the table, Gun-Ho asked Young-Eun,

"Why don't we take a walk? It will aid digestion."

"I have to go back to the hospital. Since this restaurant is close to where I work, I might run across my colleagues on the street."

"What about having a glass of beer?"

"Can we just stay here until we part?"

Young-Eun looked at her watch.

Gun-Ho wanted to spend more time with her, but she seemed to want to call it a night. Gun-Ho didn't want to lose his chance to get closer to her.

Gun-Ho wondered. 'Does she not like me?'

"Let's at least have a cup of coffee before we call it a night."