Debt Ratio (1) – Part 2

Gun-Ho asked President Song, "Didn't you previously suggest increasing our company's capital with my dividend?"

"Yes, I did. I've given a lot of thought to it and came to the conclusion that it wouldn't be enough to lower our debt ratio. That's why I talked to you about your 30 billion won investment fund. I didn't want to talk to you about this fund because it is probably inappropriate to even mention it to the owner-president. However, since our company is not in good shape as far as the debt ratio is concerned, I decided to tell you."

"Well, I will have to think about it."

"I'm sorry that I couldn't bring you a better solution."

President Song who was in his 50s gave a deep bow to Gun-Ho who was in his 30s before walking out of his office.

Gun-Ho started debating with himself.