Debt Ratio (2) – Part 1

Gun-Ho was talking with Director Kim, who just came back from Egnopak.

"Egnopak's president must be suffering from a headache because of his son."

"Whenever I visit him at Egonopak these days, he talks a lot about the old days to me. Since they increased the volume of their product order from us, Egnopak became one of our major clients. I've been trying to be nice to him and show that we care a lot about him. When I was still in his office today, he received a call from the police requesting his presence for his son's matter."

"I can picture Egnopak's president's angry face."

"He surely looked upset. He headed out to Seoul right away being accompanied by the in-house attorney and another worker in their legal department."

"His son is just spoiled."

"His daughter is very smart. She is a college professor. He lamented his son and his life having such a son. He is actually considering having his son-in-law run the company after he retires."