Date at Fortress Wall of Seoul (3) – Part 1

Jae-Sik Moon ran across the landowner of the neighboring farmland at a supermarket.

"What did you get?"

"I needed soaps."

"You don't see any oil flowing into your land lately, do you? We are not an auto repair shop, and there is no reason to spill any oils because we don't use oils."

"Do you live there?"

"Yes, I stay there during weekdays. My home is in Mangwon Town. It's a bit far to commute so I only go home for weekends."

"That's why you are here at this hour to buy soju, huh?"

"Right. I'm feeling bored there alone after work. You know what? Why don't you come over to our building? I will show you around. If you haven't had your dinner yet, let's have dinner with me. We can go to the restaurant over there."

"Well, I don't know…"

"Sir, my residency is registered in this town. I am a local here too. Let me buy you dinner."

Jae-Sik Moon dragged the landowner's sleeve.


The landowner didn't reject Jae-Sik's offer.